Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Re-Read. :)

Of course you all know about Harry Potter. Well I am now re-reading the 4th one for about the 5th time. I know its kinda crazy, but its really good and I never get tired of it. Has anyone else read the harry potter books?


Anonymous said...

but ive seen the very first movie.

Erin said...

I'm a pretty big Harry Potter fan. Correction: I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I am also re-reading Book 4 right now. Are you excited about Book 7 this summer?

cavalierschick said...

Oh, I love the Harry Potter books! I'm very excited for the new book to come out which reminds me I need to go reserve that. :]

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I haven't read any of the books, but I've seen most of the movies they are awesome!

Erin said...

The books are better than the movies hundred-fold. But I am only probably saying this because I liked the books before the movies.

Tony Buck said...

I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I've read each of the books a couple times each. I'm really looking forward to the seventh book coming out this summer, and I know I'll have a lot of time to read it since I'll have the usual drive to Michigan this summer. I heard someone is going to die, wonder who it will be?

Erin said...

I'm really hoping Voldemort will die. But as sad as it is, I think Harry is going to die.

mygame_tennis16 said...

I am soo excited for the 7th book, but I am also sad because there probably won't be any more books after. :(

Leroy Jenkins said...

OH MY GOD!!??!! Harry Potter 7 ??!?!?!? fantastic im super pumped!! gogogogogo.