Friday, April 20, 2007

School Shootings... Not Cool

Well this week has been a very scary week in history. It was like coloumbine all over again and it happened on the same day as coloumbine. The shooter planned the attack on Virginia Tech. on the anniversary of it. The shooter made a video in between the attacks and sent it to NBC telling them everything he was going to do. It kind of makes me mad that there are like a million people working at that corperation and NO ONE read the email in time. I feel like something could have been done. Well maybe not. I dont know. I Feel really bad about all the familys that have to suffer for someones pathetic life. My heart goes out to them. Thats all.


ice skate dreamer said...

I had no idea that he had planned the shootings on the same day as colombine. That is just crazy and scary. I hope nothing like that ever happens closer to home. I don't know if I could handle it. I can not possibly know how everyones family is feeling right now. I hope they are coping the best they can. that is an awful thing to have to go through.

Eliza101 said...

I think that there was something that the school could have done that might have saved more lives but I guess that we will never know. I also heard that he didn't even know any of the people that he killed but I also heard that he killed his girlfriend. I thought thought that he had just made up an "imaginary" perfect girlfriend.