Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Shakespeare's feelings

This is one of Ms. James' questions on her blog. So I don't think Shakespeare would like the more modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. I don't think when he invisioned this play that he wanted cross dressers and pills. I would think that he would be very confused. He meant it to be a simple love story and it is being turned a little to complex. So what do you all think Shakespeare would think of his masterpiece in this modern day version. Hopefully he would appreciate the new artistry put into it, but over all I think he would appreciate it more through his original version and costumes. So give your opinions.


1dayi'llfly said...

I agree that Shakespeare would like his version better, but he doesn't live right now. The movie helps people realize the language because it gives a visual picture. I don't think it's harder for people to understand the old english.

cavalierschick said...

The new version is suposed to put the old English into terms that we can understand. I think that Shakespeare would have been fine with the new movie to an extent. I don't want to give away the rest of the book or movie, but in the newer movie they leave out a really important scene. Other than that, I think it's a good representation of the play Romeo and Juliet.

Tony Buck said...

Well with the way they spoke back then, they wouldn't be able to understand anything we said now-a-days. Their way of life and speaking was totally different than ours. If they watched any of our movies or listened to music without "thee" and "thou" then I guess they would be lost. Times change and obviously so does the way people speak.

Erin said...

I think Shakespeare would like it because he was a groundbreaking playwright who liked to try new things. This definitely was a new take on this play so I guess Shakespeare would appreciate the artistry.