Thursday, April 19, 2007

Shakespeare in College

My mom read an article in USA Today about Shakespeare not being required reading at many major colleges and she told me to read it. Some surprising facts: Only three of the Big 10 schools require Shakespeare. In the capital of our nation only 2 colleges require Shakespeare. Shakespeare is only required by only ONE Ivy League school, that would be Harvard. I was really surprised to read about this since we require Shakespeare in high school, when many major universities don't!


Erin said...

What was the other college?

ice skate dreamer said...

That is really strange. I would think that colleges would be more into Shakespeare and make it required reading. WE do have to read it in high school so I think that we should continue studying it during college. We can learn a lot from Shakespeare. Thanks for the info.

Tony Buck said...

Yeah I thought is was interesting too. I mean if highschoolers are REQUIRED to read shakespeare, then it should also be mandatory. College students could probably understand some of this stuff better. Well, thats all I think.