Thursday, April 19, 2007

Old School Romeo and Modern Romeo

There is a great contrast between the older Romeo movie, and also as it is portrayed in the book and play.

The wonderful thing about the contrast that they made between the two movies is that even though they seem completely different, the modern one puts all of the same ideas and feelings into the story, and keeps the plot relatively the same, it just has a different way of expressing it. It is just a different perspective of the same story, similar to the way a poem can be looked at from several different viewpoints.

I think I prefer the modern one to the older one, because it seems more lighthearted and brings more clarity to the story. Instead of being practically the same as what we're reading in the book, it brings a different perspective, which is what I like about it. I'm already reading one viewpoint in the book, there's not really much point to watching the same viewpoint in a movie when you can see it from a completely new perspective.

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