Sunday, April 22, 2007

Shakespeare and Chick Flicks?

How are you guys liking Shakespeare? I really like the play so far. The Capulet ball scene made me think. If you've ever seen a chick flick, sometimes they will have seens where the two main characters meet and become attracted to each other. In the end of the movie, they eventually fall in love and live happily ever after. You could almost say that Shakespeare was the reason for chick flicks. He created this amazing play with romance and drama. He was really witty and daring to make this play and he hit a home run with it.
I am really enjoying this play and I hope you are too. I really like Mercutio, he seems like a fun friend to have around. Do you guys have a favorite character?


agurlwithfaith said...

I really like Juliet. I know that probably all the girls would say the same thing. I like her because she is innocent, independent, and is a real, honest, truthful person. Plus she gets to kiss Leinardo Deccaprio, that's a BIG plus. Haha. ;-]

Erin said...

Yeah, Claire Danes is pretty lucky.