Now that we hae started Shakespear's play Im really excited to continue reading on. I love how when Shakespear writes his plays he begins them at the ending. He tells the readers what is going to happen and then after giving away the end he explains how they story ended up to that point. I have to say I am pretty excited bout this unit and hope you all are enjoying it also. ;)
Me too it sounds pretty cool
Im not sure I like how he gives the ending away. Even though everyone knows what happens at the end, I would rather read to find that they die, then know from the get go.
But I agree I am excited about this unit.
I can barely understand it, so I don't really like it. I prefer reading more modern things.
Some of the books I read just seem more real to me. So far, when I can't even understand what Shakespeare is writing, it just seems like he fills it with a bunch of big words to make it seem good. Maybe I'm wrong.
im pretty excited about the unit
I have to say that I kind of agree with crazyday. I am having trouble understanding the play so far, but hopefully it will get easier to read and I will start liking it more.
I like how Shakespear does that too. This is going to be a fun unit. =-]
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