Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Balcony Scene

Last nights reading had the famous balcony scene in it. How well did you all understand it? I went back and read it from no fear shakespeare and it made a lot more sense. What do you think about Romeo just happening to be under Juliet's balcony to hear her confession? I thought it could be part of fate. If he had not been there and heard her say her personal thoughts about him then they might no ever have known their true feelings for one another. They both know that they are not supposed to love one another because of their families. That would be the most awful thing to find out. What if things like that were still around today. That your parents did not like the guy you are in love with when they have not even given him a chance. Would you go against your parents wishes if you were in love with someone that they did not approve of? That would be a really hard thing to do. To have to go against your parents like that. I hope that none of us ever have to go through that. So happy blogging and post lots of comments.

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