I noticed someone blogged about Imus. Imus I believe should feel horrible for what he did. I know that he has a feedom of speech but should not blert out horrilbe, degrading, mean comments like he has done. I heard that he had no television show any more and has lost his job as the radio speaker. For those who do not know what happned he made fun of a women's basketball team by calling them names and making fun of thier race. I hope that Imus realizes that his mistake should never be repeated.
Who is Imus?
I cant believe someone would have the guts to do that.
what did he say to the girls, i havent actually heard what he said yet
Don't take this in the wrong way, because I'm not disagreeing with you- what imus said was wrong. But has anyone heard the music that was played on his station? It was rap that had those exact words in it and worse, but he was not fired for playing the songs. Imus had called plenty of people names like that of the girls bball team and he was not critized because they were public figures like rappers, so when he did it to a girls team he was fired! I think this was a little extreme, and if his boss does not like that language then he should screen the whole station- music included. I also think that the basketball team got way more attention then they needed.
I would actually watch Imus in the morning on MSNBC with my dad and I never heard rap music. I always heard rock and country. Some of his musical guests were Martina McBride. I think Imus thought it was acceptable because this kind of language was always ignored until now. He was so stupid to say that, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't promote that kind of language. He just said it. If he could go back he probably would not say those things.
Im not really sure who Imus is but it sounds like it abused the right of freedom of speech.
I think that Imus was falsely persecuted for saying those things to the Rutgers girls basketball team. If anyone here has listened to rap music lately then you'll have to agree with me when I say that they use far worse language than "nappy headed hoes". Imus should have freedom of speech just like everyone else. If Al Sharpton called a white person a "cracker" then no one would make a big deal out of it. I think that Imus was punished too hard.
Who is Imus? What did he say?
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