Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two Movies Both Alike . . .

I really enjoyed watching the two clips from the Romeo and Juliet movies today in English. What I really enjoyed was being able to compare the two side by side. Personally, I loved the new modern one compared to the old one. What I really did like was how young Juliet was in the older movie. You really got to see the slight age difference between her and Romeo and the much bigger one between her and Paris. What I don't like is how dull it is. Well, at least the first part. I really enjoyed the newer one. I liked how crazy the Montague boys were and how intense the fight was between them and the Capulets. I also really loved the Queen Mab speech. It was a wonderful visual on how the beginning of the speech is very light and funny, but as it goes on it gets more depressing and nightmare like. Those were some of my favorite parts, but what about you? Do you have a favorite part in either of the movies so far?


Eliza101 said...

I was gone today but i really wish that i could have seen them

mygame_tennis16 said...
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mygame_tennis16 said...

I liked the modern movie of romeo and juliet more than the older version. The older version was kinda boring.