Friday, April 27, 2007

Do you like help?

Today we got to have a conference with our teams. I really enjoy doing these conferences. I feel as if we get a lot out of it, to hear what our peers think. It is also a comfort to know we do not have to stress over reading out work in front of the whole class. I know as as student these conferences help, and my writing ability has improved from the help of my teams. Ok enough of what I think, I am anxious to know what you all feel about these conferences. Do you think they help? Do you enjoy doing them? If you don't like them what would you want to do differently? Thanks for your time, I can't wait to see what your comments hold in store for me :).


cavalierschick said...

I hate conferences with our groups. I feel like once we conference, you're work is no longer yours. People are circling and scratching out and you lose a little of what you really worked on. Then, they sit and write a whole paper on what they liked and more importantly what they didn't which only leaves you to rewrite it to please your audience. Besides feeling completely stupid, you have to change what you wrote to please other people. I think I would do fine without a conference.

Eliza101 said...

I really like for other people to read my work in the first place. I always feel like they are going to criticize my work.

mellofelloet said...

But if you think about it, they are just trying to help you add to your poem and trying to help you improve on it.

Anonymous said...

I also hate group confrences, especially when we have to read aloud. At least this time the poems were just passed around. Group conferences make writing so much harder though, because instead of just writing for the teacher, you have to worry about what your peers will think. While everyone in our groups has been awesome, I will never be comfortable with sharing with others.

Anonymous said...

hate was a strong word, sorry. I "strongly dislike"

mellofelloet said...

Sorry to sound mean, but how can you strongly dislike something that can help you?

Katiedogg said...

Gosh, it sounds like you guys are as shy as I am. Do remember that you are the ultimate editor-in-chief and author/poet of your own paper. Changes you might make should be your own decision. You don't have to make the changes that are suggested; they are just suggestions. Even though I'm shy, there's still a part of me that wants to know how others see my writing. I sure sympathize with people who don't like harsh criticism. I don't know who does.

Erin said...

I really don't like conferences. People will tell you things that will help but a lot of the time they will miss the point of your poem.

cavalierschick said...

I honestly don't want other people to read and conference my writing. I hold back when I write any more because I know that the people in my group are going to judge me for what I write. That's the one thing I absolutely hate (strong word for a strong feeling) about English class. I feel like I have to hold back because I don't want people to tell me it's a stupid idea or sit and nod their head and say they like it when it's obvious they don't. I'm a very independent person, so these group activities don't make me very happy.

And to comment on what mellofelloet said, peer conferencing is only helpful to you if you write to the masses. If you've only had "nice-and-friendly" peer conferencing experiences, then I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal. A lot of people, and I'm sure you have, have written something that they loved and had their group or partner tell you it wasn't good at all. It's a let down and absolutely kills the work you did. If you like it and your satisified with your work, why have other people critize it or tell you what to fix? I know it's only suggestions, but it really doesn't motivate me to do more work on a projext that just got brutially critized. I don't know about you, but after reading some of these sheets you get back, I have no desire to do any more work on it. I end up putting it off as late as I can because I know that it wasn't "good enough" for my group. This is just my opinion, but I really believe that group conferencing is a waste.

mellofelloet said...

Its not just if you write for the masses. You just write what you want, if someone has comments about your poem, all you have to do is listen to them and take what they are saying and think about it. You dont have to change your poem if you dont like it. I havent had all good confrensing either. It just takes a whiole to get used to.

mellofelloet said...

I also wanted to say thanks for commenting to my post.