Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Water and Ectasy

First: Was the ectasy really necessary? I mean, seriously, aren't people enough into drugs withOUT seeing it in connection to one the best playwrites? I don't see why that was absolutely possitviely needed. What aer your thoughts on it?
Second: I think the water signified a dream like state. You know how like movies, when they meet the main characters who will fall madly in love later on in the story the camera panes them slowly? I think it's kind of like that, only with water instead.


notre_dame_bound said...

of course the ectasy was necessary. it makes the movie cool.

KuroiKisu said...

I think that since they used the word "drug" the producers probably wanted to try out the whole "x" thing. :)

CrazyDay said...

The water could signify a lot of things.

To me it signifies a barrier between the two of them, preventing them from being together. They are so close, and yet they can't go that far. Because of their different families, they are close to eachother, but their families prevent them from having anything further than that.

CrazyDay said...
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Leroy Jenkins said...

It's supposed to be modernized, and with families like that that are all violent and strange, then the ecstacy is probably realistic.

mellofelloet said...

I agree with you I really did not think that the ectasy was completly necessary. I did like the water part though. I really wish that they would have dont the modern movie without the drugs. Yes, I know that in modern days a lot of people do drugs but it wasnt really necessary.

Anonymous said...

I dont know, I kinda like how the producer used ectasy.

Erin said...

I'm guessing the drug was in there because in that time period and place there were a lot of drugs. And I mean 1990s So. Cal.

cavalierschick said...

It was nessary. I highly doubt that anyone could have read that scene and really understood what was going on and how powerful it was without adding some modern parts too it. Putting in the pill of ectasy showed that Romeo wasn't really in control of what was going on and that it was all foggy like the dreams that Mercutio described. We live in a society where we really don't base everything on faith and other unseen forces, so to have to drawl the conclusion that fate was what was controling Romeo is hard to do. I think that the drug helped the audience understand this by using something that we all know and we know that it does control the mind and body.

Tony Buck said...

The ectasy probably was probably not necessary, but for parties now-a-days a lots of people use drugs so I guess the director wanted to make the movie for people to relate to.

The water could signify anything, but I think it showed how they could be close but their family differences made them so far away.

Anonymous said...

The ectasy was probably not neccassry. On the one hand it added some to the movie, but it also does not send a very good message to all the people watching it!

CrazyDay said...

Everything is about drugs and sex now. I don't think watching a movie in a classroom with one incident of a drug is going to cause that much trouble compared to just television shows nowadays.

Crouching_Tiger said...

I think the ecstasy added in the movie to have a more modern feel and he was talking about the unclear images of dreams, while pulling out the drug. Meaning, dreams and drugs both may feel good but may end up hurting oneself. Also, I believe the water was used to signify how they could not yet reach one another. As in a barrier.

Scarlett_Rose said...

"It makes the movie cool," that, in my opinion is very exceedingly scary. When we watch a movie and think the drug use, violence, ect. is cool.
kuroikisu: maybe, but I still don't think it was necessary.
crazyday: that could be, I like that theory, it's more romantic, and that's more me.
leroyjenkins: Maybe, but a family of that class probably wouldn't. And keep in mind, they're only violent toward each other.
mellofelloet: thank you!
mmmk: same thing I said notre_dame_bound.
cavalierschick: There are other ways to show that.
tonybuck: it's true about the parties, but that still doesn't mean it should have been put in the movie.

Scarlett_Rose said...

I just don't think people need to see drugs and sex on a movie, t.v. show, ect. it just gives people the idea that that is ok.

mellofelloet said...

scarlet_rose I think you are proving a great point.

Anonymous said...

i agree with notre dame

Erin said...

Just so you know: notre_dame_bound was trying to be funny. You have to also realize that there is a lot of drugs and sex in the world as well. I think that society influences media, not media influences society.

SHS21 said...

ectasy was no doubt necessary

Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree society influences the media, but the media doesn't have to encourage it. Thank you, mellofelloet