Friday, April 20, 2007

Modern Romeo and Juliet?

Well yesterday in class we watched a couple of scenes of Romeo and Juliet in two different movies. The first movie wasn't too bad. It kind of captured the scenery and the time period and was, in my opinion, decent directing. After that we watched a more modern Romeo and Juliet. I though that it was really stupid. I mean don't get me wrong or anything making a modern movie with the exact same script as something that was made 500 years ago must have been really difficult not to mention the acting. Given the circumstances the movie was good. But i just couldn't get into it at all. When i see Leonardo DiCaprio acting i don't expect him to be talking in Skakespearian language and i don't think that he is very good at it either. Plus the whole gang thing and the guns, i think that its a bit over the top. But that's just my opinion.

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