Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Sisters Keeper

I just started a book called My Sisters Keeper. I think it was one of the books Mr. Wolff had did that powerpoint on a long time ago. Well anyways.... It is about these two sisters. One has cancer, luekymia to be exact. The other sister was specifically made through embryotic something or other to be an exact genetic match to her sister. Her parents did this so that her younger sister could get things from her older sisters body. So when the one girl would get sick her sister would give her bone marrow, blood cells, and anything else you could think of to keep yourself healthy. So the one girl who isn't sick wants to sue her parents for her own body because she does not think the way she is being treated is fair. I mean I think that I would feel the same way. This character says that the only time she gets attention is when her sister is sick and she has to go to the hospital to make her better one more time. That is as far as I have gotten so far. I can't wait to see how the story pans out. I mean how would you feel if your body was being used just to help your sister. I think it would be sad and lonely to think maybe your parents didn't want you except for the fact to keep one of their other children healthy. How would you feel if this was you? For those of you that have read this don't give the story away please.

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