Tuesday, April 24, 2007

End of Act I

How did you guys enjoy Act I? I particulary liked it. I really enjoy the scene when Romeo and Juliet meet. Even though I do not believe in true love, I believe that this is a beautiful scene. I really enjoy the dialogue between them, when they talk about sin and pilgrimage. I like how Shakespeare made their dialogue into a sonnet. I found it very poetic and creative. Did you particulary enjoy that part?I am also having a hard time understanding why Mercutio gave Romeo the ecstasy pill in the newer film version. I try to make a literary connection to the themes of the play and scene, but I am not doing so good. If you understand it, please tell me. I think it will help me understand Mercutio's character better.


cavalierschick said...

I think it was to represent that Romeo wasn't in control in what was going on to him or the events that would take place at the ball or afterwards.

Erin said...

Thanks. That really helps.