How did everyone else like the scene with Romeo and Juliet at the Capulet Ball. I personally thought it was very clever how Romeo was dressed as a knight because he is Juliets knight in shining armor, and she was dressed as an angel because she represents an angel to Romeo. I also thought is was clever how the water seperated them, because its like there are so many other fish in the sea but they still found eachother. At the very end what was going on when Morticio grabbed a gun from the rack?
I agree. It was very created how they did their outfits.
I think that it is really clever how you saw the water scene. I would have never thought of it like that!!
Some of the other outfits resembled the roles that the people who wore them played. Lord Capulet was an expensive robe, while Lady Capulet was an Egyptian Queen.
Thanks for liking my idea about the water, I had some trouble coming to a conclusion about what the water meant.
O my gosh i know it was very clever and cute how in the movie Romeo was dressed as a night and have to agree also very clever how they had a fish tank between them symboling that they could still find eachother out of all the other people in the sea (life) I really like your blog and have to agree with everything you said. :)
its not suppose to be destiny, its suppose to be destine...like there are destine to be with each other. Thanks for looking out for me tho :)
Thanks, what do you think the water was supposed to represent? I personally had no clue and somehow I thought of that, which was obviously good becuase I've had a few comments, but I want other peoples' opinions.
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