Do you guys enjoy the confrensing? As we were sharing our poems with our groups, I was nervous about it at first. My poem is very close to my heart. Its about my dad and how he was before he got sick and after. I wasnt sure how my group would react, but they seemed to like it. As I am sitting here typing my mind keeps on wandering. I cant seem to think straight today, ITS FRIDAY. Ah, the answer to all my prayers is here! I need this weekend. I can work on my poem and read. Does anyone have any good books that they wouldnt mind teling me about. Well, I hope you all have an amazing weekend. See you on Monday!
hey thanks for the comments! And yes i have to agree...how can you hate something when it's nothing major and it helps you?!? o well i guess people just have thier own opinions. :)
Yeah youre right. I am sorry about starting that little thing on your post.
I hope you let me see your poem, too.
I would love for you to read my poem katiedog!
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