Friday, April 27, 2007

I Can't Understand

So the last couple of days have been all about poetry, imagery, and sharing it with our groups. I don't know about the rest of you, and this is just my opinion but I really do not like poetry. I think its because I am kind of a 1 minded person. I like to things to be concrete and make sense. Most poetry to me makes no sense, so I cannot relate to it. If someone is writing about how love is sweet for example, I don't understand why they do not just write that. Instead they might say "the pink fingers took the candy with _______(fill in the blank with confusing word) to see dawn." To me poetry is confusing and hard to interpret. This may be why some of you like it I don't know, tell me what you think. I would like to enjoy poetry, (it sure would make English classes easier). How are everyone's poems going? I'm having trouble putting literary devices in mine.


Lacy Jo said...

Poetry i believe is only understood cleary only by the author. Some poems are clear and easy writing, but thats why we practiced imagery so much so you get get some what clear picture of what the poem is talking about and then sometimes the readers will never understand what the true meaning is, i guess you can poetry is a mystery :)

mellofelloet said...

I understand how you feel. I didnt really think that I would enjoy poetry that much but I think that it takes some time to get used to. As I was writting my poem, at first I was just worried about my wording and how my poem flowed (if it flowed at all). But I started to relax and just let the words and thoughts flow out of my pencil and onto my paper. I thought that it was kind of easy after you just work on it.

ice skate dreamer said...

Poetry is confusing sometimes. I think it's confusing because people put their feelings into it and we haven't been through the same things they have. Therefore we don't understand the feeling of the poem making it confusing to us. I do agree with you though. I like things to be concrete most of the time so that it is easy to interpret.