Friday, April 27, 2007

Harry Potter!!

About a week ago, somebody posted about Harry Potter. Now, I don't want to steal their thunder, but I kind of want to post about it now.

I really love Harry Potter. I have been a fan of the series since I was 7 years old. They have made my reading level improve and have gotten me to read more. My reading skills skyrocketed at a very early age and then I reached a plateau. I just stayed the same. When my aunt bought me Sorcerer's Stone for Christmas, I at first didn't like the book, because I thought it was hard. But eventually, it became easier with help from my parents. I then got B00ks 2 and 3 later that year. My desire to read was very appraised from my teachers.

So now that the last book is coming this summer, I am very excited with anticipation. This series fueled my creativity immensely.

What I also love, is the references that J.K. Rowling uses in her books. She often makes suttle references to mythologies of different cultures and classic literature like Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale and Beowulf. She also uses themes from her own life and experiences in her books. I find the way she writes books so unique and amazing.

I think what I like about the books is that she created this little universe of her own that is similar to ours but so different in so many ways. They really aren't fantasy books if you think about it. They're more like realistic fiction in a way, because they deal with so many real problems and themes such as: loss, grief, love, good and evil, right and wrong, and making impotant choices in life.

What's great, is that these books are good for all ages and they are so addicting.

It's going to be a good summer with Movie 5 and Book 7 coming out within eight days of each other.

Here is the trailer for Movie 5.


mellofelloet said...

I am excited to. I loke reading harry potter because it makes me go into this whole nother world. I am so happy that someone likes it as much as me.

Anonymous said...

I also love Harry Potter! I'm a little scared about the last book though, because J.K said 2 main characters die.

Erin said...

I am relieved you guys like Harry Potter too. I'm glad that some are big fans just like me.

Stella_in_color said...

Oh goodness i CANT WAIT until teh 7th book comes out!!!!! Ahhhh im suck a harry potter freak!!! I really dont want any of teh main characters to die!!! she can take Neville or Ginny or someone like that just not the three biggies. But it may inclide the bad guys too. I HOPE HARRY DOSENT DIE!! man that would just ruin my summer. I was really mad in the sixth book that Harry and Ginny diddnt get together i was sure there was something there. And hes not oin back to school? Hogwarts is his home he HAS to go back! yea im a little obsessed. he he.

Erin said...

You can't kill Neville and Ginny. Even though Harry and Ginny aren't together, they still probably have a thing for each other. And Neville is one of my favorite characters, I will totally riot if he dies!!! LOL!! Sorry for the rant.