Friday, April 27, 2007


I have continued to read the book Velocity and i love it. I would go as far to say that it is my favorite book tht i have ever read and im only on page 136. It is awesome. Its a thriller and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger just begging you to read on. So i do. I find myself turning the pages without control. Im just so engrossed in the book ill look up and im 30 pages from where i started and it seems ive been reading for anly a couple of minutes. i love the author and how he writes so well. This book is kind of sick and twisted at some points but i think that kind of stuff makes the story that much better. In a way the book is kind of like the Saw movies. Its really good and i definitly recomend the book.

1 comment:

mellofelloet said...

I felt the same way when I read this book. It is very good. I am glad you enjoyed it.