Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Massacre

I think it is horrible what one man can do. I don't even understand the point of doing what he did. Why would you just kill random people before you commit suicide? I understand you might not like someone, but why kill your classmates and schoolmates? The fact that he chained all the doors closed so that they couldn't leave showed the maliciousness of his intent.

I personally think the media may be getting a bit too much attention for this tragedy, but it is still sad. I couldn't imagine being one of those student's parents or family members.

What would you do if someone intruded into the school with a weapon with murderous intent?

I, personally, wouldn't cower and let them dominate. What's going to come is going to come, so I'd either try to find a way to stop them somehow, or try to get out of the school and far far away.


gobluedevils042 said...

I dont understand why that guy did what he did, he is stupid, why would someone kill just to kill, what is the point in that? It doesnt make sense.

Erin said...

I find it a shame that the school did inform the entire campus. They needed to address the threat, but all they did was send out an email that they didn't receive until two hours after the first shooting. It's a shame that so many people had to die.

lild7hinascc said...

No one knows anything about the senior that did this. He killed himself at the end totalling to 33 deaths. I don't know much about it as I didn't pay attention to it to just now. He was said to be a "loner" and no one knows why he did it. During the first act he was said to kill his girlfriend. But I think the second act could've been prevented because the campus officials did not tell everyone on campus. Most people found out after it was leaked to the media which was a bad thing. Most people received words of death after the massacre ended even though there was two shootings.

mellofelloet said...

It was actually two people who shot. One killed two girls at thier dorm and another one shot the other 31 students.

cavalierschick said...

To much attention? This is the most horrific thing we have seen in our life times and there's too much attention. Ignoring it would lead us to another massacure just like that. No, I don't think that we have to know every last detail as to what happened, but being informed and understanding how this happened is our duty. No one ever wants to hear about something like this happening again, and not observing and learning from our mistakes will get us back to where we started.

Anonymous said...

i am mad that the school and police didnt stop him after the first shootings

Eliza101 said...

I think that a lot of lives could have been saved if the security guards hade told the students about the first shooting sooner.