Monday, April 9, 2007


I don't really believe in little sins like killing a mockingbird, or doing this or that. I think our "higher" power will decide if we go to heaven, if such a thing exists. I don't think doing little things that really don't cause any harm are sins, or very bad.

Killing a mockingbird, or cursing for example, is something that is very small compared to some other mortal sins people commit.

I don't really know. I don't go to church or really believe much of anything religion wise.

What do you guys think?

oh snap, I just bumped this.


Anonymous said...

All sins are the same bro,

Erin said...

I agree with gratefuldead36. Are you atheist or agnostic then? You don't have to answer, if it's too personal of a question for you to answer.

CrazyDay said...

What do you mean?

Killing or raping somebody is treated the same as cursing or killing a mockingbird?

My vision of a sin is a corruption to the body. Cursing can be considered a corruption, it can also be considered a blessing. Instead of looking at it from such a negative standpoint, the words are really just different ways of expression, such as intensity or anger.

Killing a mockingbird is nothing bad. Killing or raping somebody is. Stealing a candybar, not so bad. That's how I feel.

I don't think all sins are level, at all.

lild7hinascc said...

Some sins seem bigger than others but they are all the same in my opinion. Thats like saying if someone stole 50 cents of candy is the same as robbing $5 billion dollars of jewelry. They are both crimes and should be treated equal. I don't know, but thats just my opinion.

CrazyDay said...

I guess you could call me agnostic. I believe that there is some higher power, but I don't think it's what we think it is.

I don't believe in places based on human perceptions, such as happiness or pain, or a state of being.

I think whatever created the universe is beyond anything we will ever be able to imagine.

I just don't believe in the God and heaven and religion and on and on based on things I've been told and taught, even in Churches that I have gone to in the past.

I believe in materialistic things.

There's two main groups of people, and you will never be able to change this:

You have your pragmatic people (me you could say) who believe in real world things, and believe in worrying about their own lives here instead of a future life that they don't really even know is true.

Then you have your faithful people, who go to Church, and often make sacrifices in this life in hopes of a better afterlife.

I think Church, God, and Heaven is a way of fulfillment. If we didn't believe in something, most people would feel incomplete, meaningless.

Anonymous said...

well, i dont know what to tell you, i think that god is real, and the bible says all sins are equal

Leroy Jenkins said...

I believe the bible says that all sins are equal in gods eyes, but, it says punishment is worse for some sins.

Eliza101 said...

I agree with leroy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jenkins too.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with gratefuldead36 i think that any sin is bad no matter what it is.

CrazyDay said...

I just don't believe that cursing, dissing someone, or whatever you can come up with that would be a little sin, is that bad.

I think murdering someone, committing a capital offense such as murder, or a premeditated murder or rape, is a much worse sin.

They are not level in my eyes, at all.

Tony Buck said...

All sins are sins, and shouldn't be commited. Personally I believe that some sins ARE worse than others, but in the bible they are all the same. Even if people do commit sins, that doesn't mean they are going to hell, but you should be more christ-like and not sin....

Crouching_Tiger said...

Sins are sins no matter what. Although some sins seem much larger, if one doesn't fix their habit of sinning, then one may be just as guilty. That said, most people do have sins they keep committing but still talk about what bad sins others have committed, which leads to hypocrisy.

CrazyDay said...

Hypocrisy is saying one thing and then doing another.

Sinning, such as cursing, then talking about other people's sins is not hypocrisy at all.

Now, if I said I don't curse and I'm a good christian, then I would be a hypocrite, because I am hardly that at all.

I agree, that doing one sin will generally lead to being a sinful person. I believe all sins are bad, but I don't believe that they are all equal.

It is just a matter of personal opinion I suppose. Everybody will defend their own opinion to the end, and won't be convinced of much.

Leroy Jenkins said...

who cares. take a chill B.

gobluedevils042 said...

all sins are wrong.

mellofelloet said...

Hey guys sorry to tell you this or be Johnny Raincloud here, but this is getting to personal. We should be having some educational conversations. If you want to have this disscusion, I would recomend taking it somewere else. You could be easily offending someone. I also think that it was a little harsh of you lake_wobegon to call crazyday an athiast. I think that this whole conversation would be better left off the blog.

Erin said...

I see what you are saying about the fufillment of life in religion. But that is the basis of faith. Faith is believing in something you can't necesarily be sure about.

Anonymous said...

im not really sure on this, but all i know is that all sins are the same by the bible, im surprised this blog is still going