Friday, April 6, 2007

Because I Said So

Yesterday night, I went to see the movie, Because I Said So, with Mandy Moore, Dianne Keaton, and Lauren Graham. Dianne plays the role of a single mother, Daphne, who has three daughters: Milly(Mandy Moore), Maggie(Lauren Graham), and Mae(Piper Perabo). Maggie and Mae are both loving life and are happy with their boyfriends. On the other hand, Milly is very depressed and very lonely. Milly is known to get into relationships and always is the one getting hurt. Milly decides she doesn't need a man to make her happy, she decides she wants to be just like her mother, Daphne. However, Daphne doesn't want Milly to end up like her... so she decides to get involved and help her daughter. Daphne sends out a personal add, to find "the one" for her daughter, but doesn't tell Milly about it. Many guys show up at the interview, but Daphne only finds one, and that would be Jason. Jason is your over-average, gorgeous, clean, workaholic type of guy. That's the type of guy Daphne thinks Milly needs. In the interview, there is background music, playing the background music would be a guy named Johnny. He is the sweet, simple, caring, give-you-anything, lovable type of guy. After Jason leaves the interview with Daphne, Johnny comes over and wants to get interviewed. However, Daphne thinks he is not the type Milly needs, she thinks he is the musician-break-your-heart type of guy. To the interview, Daphne brought some of Milly's business cards with her phone number and address of her business. When Daphne won't talk with Johnny, he gets up from his chair and slips one of her cards into his pocket while she isn't looking. Milly surprizely gets asked out by these two guys, liking both of them. She falls for Johnny more though. She is trying to like Jason too, because that's what her mom wants her to do. She gets caught in the middle of both guys, but mostly gets caught between her heart and her mom. When she is at Jason's he talks to her about the moment he met her and then starts talking about the add, her mom sent out. Milly then drops Jason completely. Milly is mad at her mom for several days. Daphne leaves Milly many messages, but Milly won't pick the phone to talk to her. Then, Daphne leaves her a message crying, saying, "the reason I did this was because I didn't want you to end up like me." Then, Milly picks up the phone and they make up. She picks Johnny and they ... just like every love movie, live happily ever after.

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