Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bravo Two Zero

I'm still reading the book Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab. I was really sidetracked from reading it due to all the reading we had to do from To Kill A Mockingbird. So now I'm back into reading the book and the intensity has really picked up. The main character who was captured has now many times been interrogated by Iraqi Military leaders. The exact point I am in the book has the main character locked in a cell in the middle of who-knows-where.
In the war in Iraq, past wars, and future wars prisoners are, have, and will always be taken. What would it be like to be a prisoner of war. You would probably rather be dead in my opinion.


Cyclops1 said...

I can't even imagine how terrifying it would feel to be in a P.O.W camp. I would probably rather be dead, I have seen a few movies and news reports about prisoners of war and it shows that they get beaten, underfed, and are not given normal things you would need like soap, toilet paper, or any other things like that.

Tony Buck said...

Yeah, being a prisoner of war would be worse that being dead. P.O.W.s got/get tortured and don't recieve are necesities of living. In the book my main character is beat horribly, blindfolded all the time, and handcuffed. He recieves barely any food or water and has to do exactly what his captors tell him or he could be executed, a chance he doesn't want to take. Being a P.O.W. would be horrible.

cavalierschick said...

I don't know. It just would depend. You hear about all of the horror stories about being a P.O.W., but every now and then there's a good story out there. I think I would hang out. I have too much to live for to just give up like that.

Tony Buck said...

I don't exactly see how you would just "hang out" if you were a prisoner of war. Every day you would be tortured, interogated and starved. Obviously everyone would have things to live for.
But even if you survived the torture you might still just be killed.