Sunday, April 15, 2007

Changes: Shakespeare to 2007

I'm liking Romeo and Juliet so far, how about you? The thing that amazes me the most though is how much life has changed from then to now! Almost everything is completely different. Just a few example are:
  • Doctors bled out diseases

  • A loggerheaded, common-kissing, clotpole was considered an insult
  • Benvolio and Hamlet were respectable names

  • Servants had servants

  • People were often buried alive

  • Women were not allowed to act

  • Men wanted to look fat!

Well these are just a few of my favorites, what are yours? How was your weekend?


Jeff ;] said...
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Jeff ;] said...

Wow, times have really changed. I can't believe that the doctors thought that bledding out diseases actually worked.

Eliza101 said...

That is really gross. I can not believe that people actually thought that people would actually go for that. I guess that times were completely different

Scarlett_Rose said...

Plus, you don't really hear about people having arranged marriages today. I think if my dad tried to get me to agree to an arranged marriage, I'd throw myself off of a cliff. Mainly because almost any man my dad would pick would more-than-likely be a country guy, which nothing is wrong with that, but he would most-likely expect me to be his slave and be willing to do whatever he said when ever said, and that's the part that would bother me. Although, that's what happened back then, women married young and grew old before their time had children and acted as slaves. Somehow I don't think any man would TAKE me as a wife, because I'd act defiantly toward them, and that would get me in trouble.