Sunday, April 8, 2007

A Corner of the Universe

I just started this book called the Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin. It is about a girl named Hattie Owen. She lives in a very small town where everyone knows everyone. However, there are secrets in her family that not even she knows about. The most important one is about her young uncle, Adam, who Hattie did not know even existed. He randomly comes to town and Hattie soon realizes that Adam is not what someone would call "normal". She eventually finds out that he is suffering from down syndome and she has to teach herself to deal with it. She unfortunatley gets caught in the middle of some of Adam's problems and she has to figure out how to get out of them. So far it is a good book and I keep wanting to read more. I hope everyone had a great Easter and see you guys tommorrow!!! :)

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