Sunday, April 15, 2007

Da Vinci

I am currently reading the Da Vinci Code and it is awesome. The book constantly keeps me on the edge of my seat, always wondering what is going to happen next. There are so many twists and turns. The book always keeps you guessing. One thing that Dan Brown does is give you little hints as to whats going to happen further along in the story. And your just dieing to find out what happens. This is by far the greatest mystery book i have ever read. I love how he intertwines fact with a great storyline. Sometimes in the story he would interpret some of the works that Da Vinci has made and then tie that in along with the story line. I love it. It is one of those books that is hard to put down and you find yourself in whole different world when your reading. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.


notre_dame_bound said...

I read this book last year and i really enjoyed it. Have you seen the movie of the book? I liked the book more but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like a cool book. I definitly want to read it sometime.

Jeff ;] said...

I’m in the middle of reading it and it is extremely interesting to realize that a lot of the things in the book that are brought up about religion are true. Dan Brown really did his research to write this book.

Anonymous said...

yeah my dad read that book and said it was VERY good. He told me I should read it. But the movie did not look that good, so I decided not to read the book.
But it does sound interesting.

gobluedevils042 said...

that book sounds awesome i definatly need to read it sometime