Friday, April 6, 2007

The Rescue--> Done!!!

I just read the last page in my book, it was good. Weston and Anne finally realise they love each other. (As is that's a surprise!!!) It was so cute because Weston is determined Anne doesn't need to be protected, but even before they say they love each other, he's so protective of her, she's slightly aggrivated. The Rescue was about God providing an escape from the things that were holding her back in all aspects of her life. When the things that cuase her pain happen to her, as cliche as this sound. Anne and Weston's relationship is close to perfect. They love each other, they're happy, and they're there to support each other. While they haven't known each other that long, they know each other well, but they are still able to surprise each other.
Ok, questions that I just thought of, 1.)what to each of you is the perfect relationship, 2.)What do you want your spouse (if you get married) to be like, and last: what are the most important qualities in a spouse?


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what the rescue standed for! *wink*

Scarlett_Rose said...

LOL!!!! I was thinking of our conversation yesterday when I posted, and figured I had better explain the title, just for you!!!! U didn't answer my questions!!!!