Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In Verona Where We Lay Our Scene

So I finished the first scene of the first act of Romeo and Juliet. I really like it so far. The first scene is action packed with a street fight and a whiny Romeo. Romeo is a bit of a comic relief in this scene since he is moping over the fact that Rosaline chooses to be chaste. Look up chaste and you'll know why. But what I don't understand is whether the fight broke peace or if it was a an ongoing conflict. I know they are too rival upper class families, but I need a little more clarification. Would you guys tell me what's right?


cavalierschick said...

It broke the peace as in it disturbed the peace. It's like when you get the cops called on you for having your party music up too loud.

Erin said...

I meant if whether a stalemate was broken between the two families.