Saturday, April 14, 2007


I hope you all are having a good weekend despite the wind and nasty weather. I'm not found of days like these, but on the bright side I guess they're good blogging days. :] How are you all liking Romeo and Juliet so far? I'm absolutely loving it. What I'm hoping we'll get to do more of is reading it out loud in class.

Hey, I found this out yesterday and I actually think I might buy it. Did you know that you can get sparknotes for your ipod. I love the links that Ms. James gave us, but I can't carry around a computer everywhere I go and I'm on the go a lot. Here's the cool part, though. Did you know you can buy them for your ipod? I almost always have my ipod on me, so for me this is a good deal. They cost the same as the regular book of notes would, but instead they are on your ipod so you can read them and have then whenever you have it with you. I think this is a wonderful idea and I know that I wont lose them. I thought it was really neat and it might be something I really consider.

Well, hope you all have a great weekend. :]


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Thats really cool that you can download that stuff to your ipod... I think im going to do that too. Good Idea!

Crouching_Tiger said...

You could also go to and get their free trial. They will let you keep all the books you downloaded during your free trial, if you wish to discontinue it after the trial. It's pretty cool and probably cheaper than the downloads you'll get from iTunes.