Friday, April 6, 2007

Its Easter!!!!!!!

I realize that there are some people in here dont celebrate easter, but i do and im really excited because i get to gorge myself with mountians of jelly beans, consumptuous amounts of chocolate, and I finally get to have soda!!! For those of you who dont know, before easter, Catholics celebrate Lent. Lent represents the days that Jesus fasted in the desert and resitsted the Devils temptations. So for a month and a half, those who participate in Lent give something up. Most of the time its something like soda, junk food, or T.V. Now to the point. I am really happy because i havent had any soda for a month and a half. Whoo! i feel accomplished! I never get all the way through any of my Lent things and i finally did it! I have a nice 15 oz Dr. Pepper with my name on it waiting for me when i get home on sunday! I wonder if there are any other Lent type celebrations during this season? I hope that everyone has a great weekend no matter what they are celebrating!


mellofelloet said...

I am excited too. I finally gt to have caffine, soda, and chocolate! I am methodist and we celebrate lent too. I hope you have an amazing easter!

Anonymous said...

I'm christian and i also gave up soda. I can't wait to get my hands on some. Personally I say Dr. Pepper is the best, but sprite runs a close second.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Im also excited for Easter. I am Baptist and we dont celebrate Lent, but I do celebrate Easter and I cant wait for it to be here... Im ready for a good Easter egg hunt!

Erin said...

I'm Lutheran and I celebrate Lent. We don't have to give up anything, but some of us still do. I always like Easter Sunday. It's just a really nice time.

bumblebee15 said...

I am so happy that it is Easter! I get to have soda tomorrow!