Friday, April 6, 2007

Learning Shakespeare

Hey!!! How are you all holding up with all that time in Cheif Time? Mine actually went better that I thought that it would. We got to watch Shrek 2 and it was like the 10th time that I have seen it but oh well. It has been sooooo cold in school and I am really mad that they turned the air on!!! oh well

Now about Shakespeare, I am really looking forward to reading Romeo and Juliet. I have never read any of his work and I think that it will be really good. Have any of you ever read this before? Hope that all of you have a great break and a Happy Easter!!!


CrazyDay said...

I'm glad they turned the air on. I'd rather sit in a 60 degree classroom than a 90-100 degree classroom.

It's just ironic that it's burning up when they have the heat on (outside as well as in), so when they turn the air on it gets freezing outside.

cavalierschick said...

Shakespear didn't write anything bad. I've read Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and I'm starting a Midsummer Night's Dream. You really have to understand the language that he uses to enjoy his books and you really have to read them with an open mind. Out of all of them, Macbeth is still my favorite, but Romeo and Juliet is a close second. I hope you enjoy it. :]

mellofelloet said...

Hey I agree with cavalierschick, I would recomend reading some Shakespeare. I have seen a handfull of the plays and the are amazing and I would love to read them.

Anonymous said...

man i dont know, its just so darn cold in here, on a cold day like this its almost unbearable

and i agree with cavalierchick, i havent heard alot of criticism on any of his stuff

lild7hinascc said...

In school the weather seems hot still while outside its freezing. Hope you all have a great break as well.