Saturday, April 14, 2007

Love at First Sight

How are you guys managing with Romeo and Juliet? Everybody says the dialect is hard to understand but I am doing pretty good with comprehending with the words. In Act I, Scene IV: Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet ball and "fall in love". This scene promotes the idea of love at first sight. Necessarily I don't believe in love at first sight. I think it's rather silly to say that you lock eyes with somebody and then you know that they are your true love. That's some silly Nora Roberts romance novel stuff. But then again I think a love at first sight point of view depends of your view on love. So my question is: Do you believe in love at first sight?


cavalierschick said...

I really don't. Me personally, I base relationships on things other than looks, but looks do play a little factor into it. I don't know. I do, but I don't.

ice skate dreamer said...

I am like cavelierschick on this one. I do believe in attraction and first sight if that makes sense. But really falling in love with someone I think is only done in fairy tales and stories. Its a great dream to have though. Unless you get too caught up in it. I think that it would be very awkward and wierd to be feeling that strongly about someone you just met. I would be creeped out if some guy told me he was in love with me when we didn't know each other very well. That's just me though.

lild7hinascc said...

I agree with everyone. I believe more in lust than love at first sight.

CrazyDay said...

I believe that the appearance of someone, based on your perfect personal taste, for the first time can make you immediately feel a very strong attraction to them, basically a love at first sight.

However, I don't believe that "love at first sight" relationships always go as great as they do in fairy tells and books.