Monday, April 2, 2007

Movie vs. The Book

I love this picture! it has nothing to do with Mockingbird but i like it! In all honesty i am a little bit disappointed with the movie compared to the novel. It seemed that there was alot more detail in the book than there was in the movie. I feel that sience Mockingbird is such an outstanding American masterpiece, that film makers should have only made it as much like the book as possible. I think that it would have won more awards if it had been exactly the same. One can never tell the true greatness of a book through a movie, but film makers sure can try a little harder. Its just that there are details in the book that are alot better than they were portrayed in the movie. Dont get me wrong, i like the movie, I just think it could have been better.

P.S. Im really excited to start Shakespere!!!


NYC ShowbizDancer said...

I agree so much! The movie was a huge dissappointment in comparison to the book. You would think they would do a way better job considering the importance and popularity of this book! Many things were left out! One of the scenes I wish they would have shown was when Scout first went to school. I think that was an important contribution to the book and explained the people and the towns customs.

Erin said...

I wish they put in the relationship of Ms. Dubose and Scout and Jem. I thought it was important to not only understand Jem more, but to show the societal(is that even a word?) customs back then.

cavalierschick said...

I wish that Aunt Alexandra was in the movie. I really didn't enjoy the book a whole lot and she was the only character that I actually liked. When she was in a scene I was always wondering what she would say next. She seemed like the guest that just doesn't know when to leave and always has something to say.

I hope you like Romeo and Juliet. It's one of my favorite books. It's not a hard read, but the language can be difficult to understand the first time through.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Movies easier, it takes maybe 2 hours, as opposed to 2 weeks. I prefer the movie, I don't care about the small parts of the story.