Sunday, April 8, 2007

the movie vs. the book.

I know this blog is kind of late, but I have been meaning to post this for awhile and I just haven't got around to it. I think the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" wasn't as good as the book. The book had so many more details than the movie included. I also felt that the movie skipped around a lot. Plus Aunt Alexandra wasn't even included in it. What did you all think? Sorry this was soo late. :)


never_give_up said...

I agree, it isn't that great of a movie and they definetly should've put aunt alexandra in it, it's not the same without her. But i guess a lot of other people really liked the movie because it won awards, so maybe we just have a lot higher standards with movies than back then.

1dayi'llfly said...

Movies are all most never are as good as the books. I didn't like the movie that much. I liked the books much more. I think when you watch the movie it kinda destroys how you pictured everything to be like. And personally I like to read about all the details and I hate it when movies leave out important people and events.

Crouching_Tiger said...

I agree that most movies are not as good as their books. Books can describe so much more, where the movie would bore the audience paying so much attention to detail. The details just add so much more and kind of let you run your own movie in your head, the way you want to run it.