Sunday, April 15, 2007

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good I saw Blades of Glory, it was really funny and I reccomend it for anyone who likes Will Ferrell. It was one of the funniest comedies I have ever seen.

On a more focused note how is everyone liking Romeo and Juliet? It was kind of hard for me to understand at first but reading it out loud in class helps me a lot. I think the opening scene sets the play up nicely. It shows the hatred that the two families have for one another and it shows the reader that Romeo and Juliet don't want to be involved in it, especially when Romeo doesn't show up when the fight is going on.

How did everyone like the poem activity on friday? I liked it and thought it was something different than what we normally do. i think the photostory made us really think about imagery and in the end I think it will help me with Romeo and Juliet. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

gobluedevils042 said...

Blades of GLory is definatly the best movie that will ferrell has ever made. It was amazing