Friday, April 6, 2007

The Pursuit of Happyness

Today in Chieftime we got about two thirds of the way through watching the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. I really liked the movie. I think we are going to finish it next week. The movie was more sad than anything else. Will Smith plays a man who has a bad relationship with his wife (who he eventually loses) and he does not make very much money. So he is trying to get a job st a stock broker agency. The movie is good so far, and i look forward to finishing it.

I think that being poor is a bigger problem than most people think. I bet we would be surprised how many people actually struggle to pay the bills.



Anonymous said...

I thought the movie had a good story line..but after awhile the movie got really boring.

CrazyDay said...

I've never seen the movie, but I've been wanting to and it sounds good to me. I wish I was in your chief time.

I agree completely on the poor thing. Poverty is a big problem that everyone just tries to look past. There are homeless people out there who are below the level of poor.

It's really sad that we waste so much money on such senseless stuff such as watching tv on your cell phone while people are out there suffering and dying on our streets.

Eliza101 said...

Grr I really wanted to see that movie but no one else in my family wants to see it so I have had to wait for a while. I think that we are going to rent it this weekend. I hope we do.

Leroy Jenkins said...

I ain't down wit bein broke!

Cyclops1 said...

I haven't seen that movie before but I have heard that it was very good, even though it was sad. You are lucky to have a nice chief time teacher that lets you watch movies. I think that there probably is a lot of people who are struggling to pay the bills.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

O I loved that movie. It was really inspirational to me. It taught me that you have to work really hard if you want to be successful and that money doesnt always bring you happiness. I also think that it is really sad how many people are homeless or poor. But if you really think about it alot of those people could go get a job and actually make money for themselves instead of living on the street. I am a strong believer that we control our own destiny and I think some of those people could control their destiny too.

CrazyDay said...

Some of them might, but when you have to dig for food in dumpsters, you have no education, you barely have any clothes, you have a family to somehow try to take care of, how do you expect to find a job?

Anonymous said...

I promise that the movie ends happy, I loved it. I also agree with you on the big problem of poverty. The man in the movie works really hard but still has no money. Most people think that if someone is broke they are lazy. That is definitly not always the case.

KuroiKisu said...

You have to work hard to make the money o.O, You have to work even harder when you have kids. Kids are expensive!

Tony Buck said...

I somewhat agree that money is not that easy to make. Obviously if you have no education you can't get a job, but some homeless people don't even try to work. Once that get enought money after they have begged they just buy drugs or alcohol. Some homeless people just bring failure on themselves.