Sunday, April 15, 2007

Relating to Romeo

cardinalsfan stated that these were the leading causes of depression today.

1) A death of a family member or close friend.
2) An assault, car accident or painful physical event.
3) A painful mental, or emotional event.
4) Marriage breakup, or love lost suddenly.
5) Constant physical, mental, or emotional pain that goes on for a length of time.
6) Developing a disease or illness that will not get better.
7) Major Financial setback.
8) Something "embarrassing" happens.
9) Failing an important exam a school.
10) A best friend moves out of town.
11) Consistently bad eating habits (carbonation, white flour & sugar)

I can relate very well with reason 1. I have had multiple people die that were very close to me and not only did that make it hard but they all died in a year and a half time period. So you can only imagine the pain that that causes. I don't want to go to much into detail. I can also relate to reason 4 which is related the cause of why Romeo is depressed. It states in the play:

"And private in his chamber pens himself,
Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out,
And makes himself an artificial night.
Black and portentous must this humor prove
Unless good counsel may the cause remove."

I can also relate to this because when I am depressed much like Romeo I tend to lock myself in my room, close the blinds, and turn off the lights. Making the room complete darkness.


Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry about your lost loved ones, that must be really hard.

Eliza101 said...

I kinda know how you feel. My grandma died and even though I was not very close to her it really effected our family.

Erin said...

I'm sorry that at times you feel that way. I lost my grandpa the same year we lost a family friend. That was the worst 10 months of my life. Sometimes all you really need is to sit in darkness and keep to yourself. But I know it's corny and everything, but eventually you have to say to yourself," I can get through this". Moping around won't make things better. But it is definitely a process.

Phasma said...

I know that these things are difficult... three family members of mine passed away within 6 months of one another a couple of years ago, and I didn't get to say goodbye to any of them. One of them I was not even privilaged enough to attend their funeral, being that they and the rest of that side of the family live(d) half way 'round the world. But keep your head up... they say time heals all wounds.