Friday, April 13, 2007

Romeo and Juliet

So we just began reading Romeo and Juliet. I think the first scene was very interesting and exciting. I really like how Shakespeare starts off with a bang and has a lot of action in the first scene. I think it was very smart the way Shakespeare made the rivalry of the two families so deep even the servants would fight for no reason. He really sets up the entire play by making the families hate each other in the very first scene. I know at first it seems hard to understand but I think it will get better.

1 comment:

cavalierschick said...

I like the beginning scene with Sampson and Abraham. I've read the play before and that's in my top five moments in the play. I also really enjoyed the introduction to Tybalt in those early scenes. He's one of my favorite characters and his part becomes more interesting as the play goes on.