Monday, April 9, 2007

Scared of Shakespeare?

Hey! I don't know about you guys, but I am kind of scared to read Shakespeare. The substitute said his writing was hard to read even when she was in college. That definitely didn't make me feel better about reading the play. It just kind of made me worried if I can read the book and understand it. So I searched around and found a bunch of websites about kids my age and younger than me who are working on it and acting it out. I think that is pretty cool, but I won't want to act out the play in our class. I just thought that if they could learn and understand Shakespeare, then I can too.

1 comment:

cavalierschick said...

I don't trust that sub. If you have the right resources and work hard, you can understand it the first time. Ms. James has made it easy for us to understand what's going on and has given us good resources to help us out. I bet you'll do fine. The study guide will also really help. :]