Sunday, April 15, 2007


Ever since we have started to read Romeo and Juliet i have been lost. I am really confused and dont understand any of the book. Well that might be an overstatement. I understand the basic storyline but i'm struggling with the vocabulary and those things. Ms. James makes the book sound like there is some deeper, hidden meaning. But i am unable to find that meaning. I am really dssapointed too, because from a couple of my friends i have that the play is really good and that i will enjoy it. I really hope that it gets better or i start to understand it better. I feel that someone should make a new revised version of it. A little more along with modern times. What do you think?


Crouching_Tiger said...

You should go find a No Fear Shakespeare version. There is one at Basically, it has the original version on the left side of the page and a modern translation on the right.

Eliza101 said...

yea i agree it completely with crouching_tiger it really helped me understand shakespeare