Friday, April 6, 2007


I dont know about all of you guys but I can't wait to start this unit. Ive always been interested in the play Romeo and Juliet but just never had the time to ever read it. It is one of the greatest love stories of all time so I know it must be good. I also think it will be fun to learn the culture of this time period such as the language. It will be interesting to put together some insults from the time of Shakespeare. It really shows you how much has changed since that time. I also thought it was interesting only men were allowed to act. I think it would be awkward to sit and watch Romeo and Juliet kiss knowing that they were both guys. Anyways I still think this unit will be a lot of fun to learn about and I look forward to reading the play. Happy Easter everyone!!!


Lacy Jo said...

Hey thanks for the comment! I have to agree that it would be awkward no REALLY awkward to see Romeo and Juliet kiss, when knowing the fact they are both boys! Sounds freaky to me. Well happy easter once again :)

cavalierschick said...

This is one of my all time favorite books. I think what I like looking at, and always makes me laugh, is the time frame of the play. If you really think about, this all takes place in a very short amount of time. Another thing that I love about the books is how complex Shakespeare makes his characters. Take Romeo for instance. He makes me laugh. He "loves" Rosaline one moment and then he sees another hot chick and quickly forgets about her. That, and look at why Romeo is so upset about when Benvolio (I believe) ask him what's the matter. Times really haven't changed, which is one reason I love it. I love this play and I hope you do too.

Erin said...

I am excited abut the play too. I think it's great writing that we're told at the beginning that the two would die. But once you fall in love with the characters, you beg miraculously that they will survive. Bravo Bill!