Friday, April 13, 2007

Shakespeare's Writing

How is everyone finding Shakespeare so far? I don't think it's that bad, although it can be hard to understand sometimes. I think that if you can get into the writing, at the parts where you understand it, it is very eloquently written and a good read.

It's interesting how our English has actually declined over the years. Back then things were written so perfectly. Today, we have all of our slang and stuff that they wouldn't be able to understand or even imagine using. Such perfect English was used back then that we can hardly even comprehend it now.

It just kind of amazes me how intelligent some of the people back then were. Does anyone else feel the same way?


Erin said...

I agree over the years as the world modernized, we felt that speaking correctly is a time of the past. It's like when you move backward, you fall back at the same time.

Eliza101 said...

I think that in like 50 years the people that are living will be like... what the heck were they saying? But yea I agree, I think that it would be really wierd if we still talked like that today.

cavalierschick said...

I agree to an extent. Back then, proper english was held in high value. Girls were taught how to speak well and men were expected to know how. Now, there were people back then that didn't speak with the proper English that we read about and used slang words suited for their time, but there's people like that in every generation. Those set standards have slacked over the years to get us to where we are today. Today, most people don't care as long as they get their point across.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with you. I think that speaking in proper english was much more important than it is today. Actually i think teenagers especially think that it is cooler to talk in slang terms than talk properly.