Thursday, April 5, 2007

Shakin' spear unit

So how is everyone enjoying the two hour chief times? They actually havent been as bad as i expected them to be. I have gotten to listen to my iPod the whole time and we even watched a couple of movies. Today's actually seemed longer than wednesday's, im not sure why but it really did. Did anyone have trouble on the mockingbird test? I thought that Ms.James made it very do-able and i didnt have any trouble on it. Is everyone looking forward to the Shakespeare unit? Someone told me that it got boring, but considering he was the best at what he did im trying to tackle it with an open mind. I hope everyone is having a good time at school after returning from spring break, feel free to comment on the topics!

Today's art is an abstract piece by an unknown artist, featuring everything from plants and trees, to a bright yellow hand reaching across


Erin said...

I thought the test was manageable. It was a little hard to say the right thing, but it wasn't the most difficult thing in the world. I'm actually looking forward to the Shakespeare unit. I enjoy his plays a lot.

Eliza101 said...

I think that the test went pretty well considering the fact that we got to use our books and all of the notes. I got a little bit confused on some of the questions but other than that I thought it was fine. I am also really looking forward to the Shakespear unit, especially since I have never read any Shakespear.

Anonymous said...

ya cheif time sucks. Well actually we got to watch movies so its really not that bad.
i also agree with you. The testover mockingbird was not near as hard or as long as i expected it to be.

Stella_in_color said...

i love that picture!

Stella_in_color said...

ha ha i like your title too!!!

SHS21 said...

The only part that was any trouble was the last question. You really had to think about that one

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I thought the test was easy especially since we got to use our notes and books. I agree with everyone about the upcoming unit, I am excited to learn about Shakespeare and read Romeo and Juliet.