Sunday, April 15, 2007

True Love

When I think of Romeo and Juliet, I think of true love. However, when I think of reading the book, I think major confusing. All those, "Thou-art-thee kind of words, isn't even close to our language today. Which does make it very difficult to understand. However, the story of Romeo and Juliet probably couldn't happen today in America, the true love that they shared happens everyday. They loved each other so much they died for each other at the age of 13 and 15! Now that's what I call true love. Today it's different. People that supposedly truely love each other quit to easily if something goes wrong, in other words there not willing to fight for their love. Romeo and Juliet fought till their death. Even though it's confusing to read and to understand I know it will be worth it, just to see what they went through for true love.

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