Thursday, April 5, 2007

Two and a half hours?

I an really annoyed that we have have to have chief time for two and a half hours all week. We are expected to sit in the same room for a really long time and we cant do anything. I wish that we could have at least time for all the freshman to go down to the gym or something that we can all do so were not so bored. Sure some teachers show movies, but it would be better to do something productive together. I think that its a really big waste of time. I wish that the grades not taking the map could resme normal class times and not be thrown off like we are. I feel like we get cheated out of our first and second period classes. I feel like this school could do alot more to be fair to everyone.


Eliza101 said...

My cheif time has actually been pretty interesting. We have been making clay sculptures of Noah's Ark and today we watched Wallace and Grommit. I have not seen that show in a long time. I am not really looking forward to tomorrow in cheif time because we are going to watch 3 different art movies fun fun. I agree with you, I think that all the freshman should get together and do things as a big class that would be a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

your post makes it sound like you would rather learn and do work than do nothing
I like my chief time. All we do is watch movies and talk. its pretty sweet.

Stella_in_color said...

well im not saying that its a horrible thing, but i think that there are better ways to use our time. im not complaining either because everyone likes a little down time.

CrazyDay said...

I don't even know why we're at school. It's practically a waste of time.

I have a pretty cool chief time teacher though, she makes us popcorn/gatorade and puts movies in for us, and lets us do pretty much whatever we want. So it's not that bad, but there's things I'd rather be doing at home or something.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Ya. I prefer Chief Time. I don't think relaxing in Chief Time for 2 and a half hours is a big sacrifice.