Friday, April 6, 2007

Where thou Romeo?!?!?!?

I dont know about the rest of the class but, I am really excited about this unit. I have been really curious about the new words (insults) and what they mean. I think it would be really interesting to learn how they spoke back then and how different their lifestyle is from ours. From watching the video we watched yesterday It made me really excited to learn more about the story and, really suspicious how the story is going to go. I hope all of you are excited to :).....


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree I am very excited to start this unit, even though I couldn't figure out what some of the insults meant last night. Anyways Im ready to move on to another unit and Happy Easter to you too!!

agurlwithfaith said...

Me Dos! Haha. I'm very excited to be starting this unit. Even though it will be very confusing, it will be worth it! =-]