Sunday, April 1, 2007

Would you negotiate for freedom?

While in Colorado snowboarding on spring break, I was sitting on my bed reading my book "Kidnapped" and I heard the news on T.V. in the other room. It said "We have live breaking news about 15 British marines held captive by Iran militia leaders!" I know many of you have probably already heard or read about this event, but I found it really odd that it fit in so perfectly with the book I was reading. It got me to think, what would I think of first if I were kidnapped by someone? In my book, many of the children held captive by the evil man tried to escape, resulting in their death. Although these incidents are alike, they are also very different. For example, in my book the children are kidnapped. While many people say that the 15 marines that were captured had INTENTIONALLY entered Iran.

Would you be brave enough to try to negotiate your way to freedom?

1 comment:

cavalierschick said...

sitting in the comfort of my own home where I'm not in any danger, I would say I more than likely would. Now, I know that under that circumstance I more than likely would be too scared to even speak. If my life was in danger, then yes I would. If I had a feeling that I could stay where I was and be safe, then I would more than likely just try to stay put. What about you?