Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Arranged Marriages . . .?

I absolutely love Romeo and Juliet. Reading it in class, this will be about the 4th of 5th time and the movie from 1996 is my all time favorite movie. What really surprises me is the things that I have learned every time that I have read it, especially today. I never really realized how strict these arranged marriages were until today. Every time I had read the book or watched the movie I always used to think why didn't she just run away. Now that I think about it, I doubt I would have left either if I was in her spot. Juliet had lived such a life of comfort and new nothing about the outside world that running away would be for sure death. How do you feel about these arranged marriages? In what was do you think that was a good idea at the time or was it ever a good idea? I also realized today from reading the first scene that I absolutely love Gregory. He's so sure of him self that you start to wonder if he really is this brave. I also like how we get to meet Tybalt. The first time I read it, I absolutely hated him but the more I looked at him I start to like him. His attitude and cold demeanor to me is fascinating. I can't wait until we get to read about Mercutio. He would have to be my favorite character out of the whole play. I hope that you all are enjoying it so far and continue to like it.

1 comment:

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Personally, I think that arranged marriages are horrible and should never happen. Marriage is meant to join two people together for love and that shoudn't have to be forced. I think that the main goal in life is to be happy and I dont think that is possible if you are forced to live with someone for the rest of your life that you dont even really love.