Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blinded Love

Set in the early 1800's, The Visitor, by Lori Wick, again, is about a man who has been temporarily blinded by a horse accident. Alexander Tate's aunt is determined that he will rest at all costs, rest being ordered by his doctor. So, taking Tate to Collingbourne, she finds someone in the church family to read to him whenever she/he can. That person is Cassandra Steele. She goes to read to him almost daily, and soon finds that they've each taken to the other. However, when Tate learns he's regained his sight, Cassie is afraid that he'll be disappointed by her looks. Being one of the "beautiful Steele sisters" she feels that only her two sisters are included in that phrase, and runs to the oldest one as a form of escape.
Meanwhile, Cassie's other sister is finding she is in love with a childhood friend. While he's traipsing around Africa with her brother, Edward, she finds she thinks about him, and wonders if the thoughts are mutual. Morland, thinking Lizzie wouldn't give him the time of day, finds he loves her, but not until Edward tells him of Lizzie's letter asking about him, does he know it's time to return to the love of his life.


cavalierschick said...

this book sounds so good! How far are you in it? I'm normally not drawn to books like this but this one sounds absolutely wonderful. I hope that's true if I find time to read it. :]

Scarlett_Rose said...

I love all of her books, their really good!!!!